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The Campbells

We are the campbells and we are on a journey to Côte d'Ivoire to help translate the Bible into languages that don't yet have it.

Meet Lindsay.


Lindsay spent most of her childhood in Virginia, though her family lived for a number of years in England. Lindsay grew up in a strong Christian home with parents who frequently talked about missionaries and took mission trips as a family overseas. After graduating from high school at home on the farm, she attended Cedarville University. During her last semester of college, she student taught at a missionary boarding school in Kenya and loved it! After graduating with a degree in Early Childhood Education, she taught for one year in Virginia. Since then, her passions for teaching and raising kids have collided into homeschooling!


Meet Jack.


Jack grew up in Illinois and attended a Christian school until he graduated high school. He was raised in a Christian family that served in full-time ministry and had many opportunities for both local and inner-city ministry. He attended Cedarville University where he earned a degree in Youth Ministry and Christian Education. He then went on to get his M.Div, followed by his Masters in Applied Linguistics through Dallas International University. He loves languages and is passionate about reading and teaching Scripture.

Meet the kids!


Lucy, our oldest, is active and strong! She loves new adventures and has shown her ability to jump into new situations with ease. She already has such a heart to notice people who are from other cultures and speak other languages. She loves to tell people about her Daddy's job... to help translate the Bible into languages that have never had the Bible before!


Titus is a doer. He loves musical instruments and trying new things. He also enjoys learning about coding and how to make things work. He has a knack for performing and for telling stories!


Elias is our youngest. He is a tinkerer. You can often find him at his "maker station" creating some new contraption or drawing or making plans for his next invention. He is very sweet and likes to tell everyone just how much he loves them.


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